living. loving. changing. learning. growing.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

dearest blog of mine, i promise i have not forgotten you. life just got a little out of hand when i got home from FL, with all the craziness with buddy (grandpa). i promise we will reconnect very soon. i have a whole week off next week and still have so much to tell you. i miss you! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

could not have been better....CWD FFL 2011

i have sat down to write this post about 12 times in the last 36 hours...and can't seem to get the words out (the tearing up doesn't help either).

how do you sit down and explain the life changing impact a group of strangers had on you?

how do you use words to express what it feels like to walk into a room full of adults with type 1 diabetes and hear more than one pump alarm going off and EVERYONE looks down at theirs?

how can you tell someone about the most amazing group therapy session ever? what was a scheduled talk on transitions as adults with T1 ended up being about 12 or so of us sitting in a circle, passing tissues and totally understanding what the last person just said. totally understanding. that doesn't happen often...people try to relate, to help and comfort as best they can, but in all honesty, it's nice to just be with people who get it.

how do you write about how cool it was to go swimming and see EVERYONE with a pump site or sensor hanging off their arm, leg, back, whatever? not only that, but how after we did the cha-cha slide and cupid's shuffle in the pool everyone had to get out and test! not just me!

how can you put into words the feelings of excitement, joy, nervousness, and sheer bliss upon meeting some of the people that helped get you out of diabetes burn out via their blogs?

the encouragement, information and support i found in the blogs of Kim (hers was the first d-blog i found), Scott , Kerri, Jess and so many others was 100% better in real life! it was great to meet the people behind the computer and to know that they are the same in person and online....AWESOME! not only that, but getting to be part of their group was even better than just meeting them! zee bloggerz rock! ;-)

how can you relate how a group of people, many who had never met in person, became Friends For Life in a week?

the answers to all those questions are, i can't. at least not right now. i am still so overwhelmed that i can't quite get the right words out. maybe tomorrow..or later in the week..after i collect my thoughts and rein in my emotions a bit better..but for now, here are some pictures of some of my new friends for life.

  at the banquet
 my sweet roommate Kristen
 Sara and I at the pool..funny faces thanks to Brian splashing us
pic from Sara
 farewell breakfast...fighting back tears
Tweedledee and Tweedledum..and George and Scott

more to come...lots more to come! so many memories and stories.