living. loving. changing. learning. growing.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

a beautiful poem by a sweet friend.

 Hannah had such a beautiful way of saying some of the very same thoughts that go through my mind and i just had to share. 

Poem of a Hopeful Romantic
Before my pen aside I lay
I’ll put it to this page to say
I hope and pray for you each day
That God may guide your steps my way

Oh how I long for you to know
That I already love you so
I cannot wait till it may show
That day, Dear, when you’ll feel its flow

I’ll keep it, Darling, just for you
This love so strong and ever true
I hope the days till then are few
When we’ll be one, no longer two

But if the waiting days be years
I ask you pray for me, my dear
That in the waiting I’ll not fear
But trust in God above will cheer

Farewell for now, my future knight
Though yearning soon to see your sight
May you and I to God cling tight
As dreams of “someday” bring delight 

-Hannah M. 

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