living. loving. changing. learning. growing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Short or long?

........just answer the question..........:-P


  1. Long. :) I've been missing my long hair, wishing for a long skirt and looking forward to a long summer after this long winter. Long.

  2. Sara! I miss you!! I have been such a terrible friend.. How are you? I need to get your address at some point..

  3. I will say short just cause it would be a change from what I know you have had for awhile. Besides that if you want it long again it is just a matter of growing back out! Besides that with summer on the way it will help you feel cooler. Not that you aren't already a cool person.

  4. I don't think so Aaron... I'd tell ANY girl to go LONG... ALL THE WAY!!! Sorry Shay...
